I Saw it Raining Salt

Kathi Pelton

As I waited on the Lord this morning I began to see in the spirit what first looked like a hail falling from the sky. The sun was shining and yet hail was falling. Then I asked further and the Lord said, “Taste it.” 

Immediately I experienced the taste of salt in my mouth. It was not ice falling but rather salt falling from Heaven to Earth. 

Salt falling from Heaven is an interesting vision to have. In ancient times salt was a highly valued resource; it was often used for monetary payments due to its ability to preserve meat. It was and still is used for preserving, seasoning, purifying and as a disinfectant. Salt is also used to cause one to thirst so that they will drink deep. 

God is raining down the “Salt of Heaven” that will bring wealth, preservation, purity, healing, seasoning and that will cause a thirst for righteousness. 

“And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith the LORD, I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land. So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha which he spake” II Kings 2:22

Just this week we witnessed the enemy take a position in a high place in a Las Vegas hotel to pepper a crowd of people with bullets. God will raise up His standard against this act. He is sending the rain of this Heavenly salt to heal the land. 

In the Bible we read about “salt covenants”. In ancient times men would ingest salt to enter into a binding agreement or covenant. It was a legal contract done with witnesses present. God is sending salt as a sign of His covenant with us that He will keep His promises. 

The word “salary” comes from the word salt because it was such a valuable commodity in Biblical times. I believe that God is using this vision to encourage His people, by raining down salt from His Kingdom, that signifies the promise of provision. 

The enemy believes he has taken a lofty position to pepper people with fear and death but God is sending forth an abundance of salt to heal the land and bring new life. Our God is seated high above every other god. We are positioned with Jesus in Heavenly places that are far above His enemies. 

We are being made salty again. God’s people are thirsting and drinking which is causing us to be seasoned with an anointing that heals, preserves and sees men saved. It is a covenant of grace and an everlasting covenant that cannot be broken. 

Taste and see that the Lord is good. Eat the salt…ingest the salt in order to enter into the covenant of grace. Receive the wealth that comes from this salt which will touch every aspect of your life. 

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2 responses to “I Saw it Raining Salt”

  1. As someone who lives in Vegas area I have noticed a shift. Monday morning was extremely quiet. But Tuesday morning it felt as if a lid had been removed. Something had changed in the atmosphere here…


    1. Worship needs to really saturate the atmosphere in LV!


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