The Great Exchange: “Change for Change” NOW IS THE HOUR!

by Kathi Pelton

In 2005 my family was living in British Columbia, Canada as directors of a house of prayer called, The War Room. As US citizens we could not receive income and the Lord had asked us to live by faith in His provision.

On one particular Sunday that year we were really in some dire straits. We were out of money with the exception of some change in the bottom of my purse. In Canada they have one and two dollar coins called “loonies and toonies” (the loonie is a one dollar coin and the toonies are the two dollar coin). I had a couple of both coins that I was holding onto for milk for our family.

During the offering that Sunday morning the Spirit asked me to give my all. I thought, “All I have is change.” But once again I heard the Lord ask me to give it all. So when the offering basket came by I put all of my change into it.

Somehow we made it through that week but still nothing came in to help us financially. The next Sunday was an unusually large crowd because our church had just hosted a large conference and many of the attendees had remained onsite to join in our Sunday service. After worship, one of the leaders stood up and said that when he woke up that morning the Lord showed him a couple that had given sacrificially of their lives to move to their nation and lead the house of prayer. He then called us forward. We were taken quite by surprise and went forward. He then placed two chairs in front of the stage and said, “I saw the Lord pouring change over them! Come and pour out the change that you have over them!” He called it a “Loonie/Toonie” offering which was what I had given the week before.

People began to come forward pouring out their coins into our laps. Then they began to give bills and checks (or cheques if you’re Canadian!). We were literally showered in change and provision. When it was done over $7000 was poured over us!!

This memory has been brought back to my mind over and over again for the past month. Whenever it comes I hear the words, “Change for Change!” My sense is that God is about to change the condition of many in “dire straits circumstances” as you give your all. I have found that often in the times where everything stands against us in the natural that we are on the verge of a supernatural intervention and breakthrough. The end is often the signal of a new beginning.

Change is coming! I see it raining gold coins from heaven but as it comes upon you it announces change! It may be a change of circumstances or a change of location, assignments, jobs/positions, etc.—but change is coming!

I see this happening not only for individuals and families but for cities, regions and nations. There is an offering that the Lord is asking His people for in all of these spheres. Whatever the offering He asks for will become the “trip wire” to release the supernatural change that needs to occur. The body of Christ is being invited into participate in an offering that will open up the winds of change!

This is the hour of transition and change for many of you! Do not hold back but give your all. Give an offering of praise, of thanksgiving and of sacrifice that is pleasing to the Lord. Be the trip wire for change!

Today is the day— angels with bags of change are posted and waiting to see who to pour out the “change” upon and the places where the “change” is to break forth! This is a heavenly currency that will manifest as a natural change upon those who enter in and over regions/nations that enter in.

Raise a HALLELUJAH! Change is about to come down!


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4 responses to “The Great Exchange: “Change for Change” NOW IS THE HOUR!”

  1. Sequent Bodine Avatar
    Sequent Bodine

    WOW what an answer of confirmation…the Lord told me to give my “lil” bonus check to Him this morning I have been home for the past month due to a mastectomy, no pay check coming in, except this bonus check, I remember the words spoken..when we take care of Gods business He’ll take care of ours….this word from you Ms Kathi is spot on
    Thank you. Bless you


    1. Well done and may you be fully healed!


  2. When you shared the Lord blessed you with over $7,000 I broke down and cried. I was so happy for you. We need to sow Change to reap Change. Thanks so much for sharing this Revelation from the Lord.


    1. It’s such a beautiful testimony!


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