Who’s Report are You Believing?


~ A Quick Word ~

Who are you listening to? It seems every source of media is filled with bad reports of “giants” filling the land. Because of this, fear is gripping people. Although these reports may be true, as we examine the state of the world with our natural eyes, God’s report is different. He tells us that although there are giants in the land, the King of Kings is in the land as well.

Do you remember the words of David as he stood before Goliath,  the giant Philistine?

David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 1 Samuel 17:45

The enemy may taunt us, telling us that we are but grasshoppers in the midst of these giants. We do not stand in our own strength but we go out in the name of the LORD Almighty, The God of the armies of Israel and that is where our victory comes from.

Take the time each day to go before the Lord and receive His report. Then go out in His name and know that your victory is sure. You must go and be clothed in His strength and His armor. “Saul’s armor” does not fit us–just as it did not fit young David–so don’t try to put on something that belongs to another.  Everything that you need is found in God.

Whether it is circumstances that tower over you like a Goliath, or it is voices of old that are trying to convince you that you cannot succeed or gain victory; God has a good report for you! He is in the land and His name will provide the victory that you need. Go before the giants that stand in your way today and let them know that you have come in the name of the LORD Almighty; then throw your stone and gain the victory.

3 responses to “Who’s Report are You Believing?”

  1. CeAnn Snodgrass Avatar
    CeAnn Snodgrass

    Thank you Kathi. So very true. I will try to remember and ACT UPON what you have shared in obedience
    CeAnn Snodgrass


    1. I believe in the report of the Lord! Amen!!!


  2. I was praying and sketching “armor” for some painting during worship and this just magnifies what God was showing me! Thanks for all you share and blessings to you and yours.


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