Hidden Treasures are Being Revealed

For a number of weeks now I continually see in my spirit a picture of a treasure map. I saw these treasure maps that were released upon God’s people like scrolls in the past season. These scrolls or maps have been little by little unrolled to reveal “the next step” but each person had to complete each step before the next one would be revealed. They could not see where the treasure was located or even what the treasure would be. They didn’t even know what the next step would be.

The Lord brought this vision back to me this morning and I heard His Spirit say, 

“Many thought that the individual steps were going to be the treasure and have become discouraged with steps that seemingly had no breakthrough but I have been preparing them in each step to receive My hidden treasures.” 

He wants you to understand that these have been steps to get you to the treasure that He has prepared for you. But the steps have been your preparation to receive the treasure. You have been “cultivating faithfulness”, you have been learning to follow like the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11, you have been learning to focus on the journey rather than the goal and you have learned how to find joy in your salvation rather than in a breakthrough.

God is about to reveal the treasure which will bring you the breakthrough. This treasure will be both natural and spiritual. I see joy for your body, joy for your soul and joy for your spirit coming upon you! Joy, joy, joy!! 

As your “X marks the spot” step is revealed you will uncover and have revealed many different treasures. As you have called to Him throughout the many steps you will suddenly have “great things that you did not know” revealed.

“‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’”

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭33:3 

The steps have caused you to store up your treasures in Heavenly things and you have turned your eyes upward to “seek first the Kingdom”. God has found a remnant who, in the midst of their own personal needs, have been transformed into a people who desire first and foremost to see the will of the Son fulfilled and His Kingdom established in the hearts of mankind. 

As you have learned to seek first His Kingdom it has led you to the treasure that cannot be stolen but it has also led you to your personal breakthrough as well. When you seek FIRST His Kingdom then everything else will be added to you. You are going to see the “everything else” added to you.

You will also experience receiving the wisdom of how to live in unity and love. This mystery will be revealed because you have been transformed through the steps you have taken. Treasures of wisdom and knowledge will be found! 

“My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

‭‭Colossians‬ ‭2:2-3‬ ‭

Last, once again my attention has been drawn to the dates of Hanukkah this year. It begins on Christmas Eve (December 24th) and ends on New Years Day (January 1st). I continue to see this time period as a threshold into a time of finding hidden treasures; restoration, miracles, light and abundance. 

You have been prepared for such a time as this. You will walk in a new favor, authority and revealed mysteries which will cause breakthrough after breakthrough for you individually and for the corporate body of Christ. 

Keep on stepping forward!!



One response to “Hidden Treasures are Being Revealed”

  1. Sawsak60@gmail.com

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