Practicing Perfect Peace

By Kathi Pelton

In a world that is in constant chaos it can be a challenge to find peace. Yet we are told in Isaiah 26:3 that if we trust in the Lord and keep our minds on Him that we will not only have a sense of peace— but we can have perfect peace.

Now, I don’t know about you but most of the battles that I face are initially fought in the battlefield of my mind. When earthly circumstances challenge my heavenly hope (faith) the initial battle is played out in my mind. Who will I trust? Will I trust in my natural means to fix the circumstances? Will I trust God? Will I let the storm dictate my direction or will I allow peace to keep me on the path of righteousness?

Are we content with merely having a sense of peace or will we press in to the promise of receiving perfect peace?

Let’s just be honest; one of the greatest battles that all mankind faces revolves around money and resources! Having resources (money or needed supplies) can give a sense of peace that often can keep us from having to face some of life’s storms that a true need can create.

For example, our daughter and son-in-law are in the midst of the journey to adopt a baby. After over a decade of dealing with unsuccessful infertility treatments and other obstacles they have decided to adopt. Now that sounds like a reason to rejoice— and it is. But adoption nowadays, has a high price tag attached to it— one that can be as high as $65k! Most couples don’t have that kind of money just laying around. This fact alone could quickly challenge their peace and steal their joy. Yet, the amazing thing about being the adopted sons and daughters of God is that our trust and peace is not limited to what we have or our ability to achieve a goal— it is in God and His might.

Peace is achieved by surrendering fears, questions, needs and desires to Him alone.

He is their peace and He desires to be your peace. No matter how big the need— perfect peace can be yours as you surrender to Him everything that is creating a storm of doubts and fears.

I remember a season in our life when we had more than enough in our bank account to take care of our own needs and more than enough to be able to help others in need. My husband’s business was prospering greatly. So, when our car needed new tires or had an engine problem we merely took it into our mechanic and told him to fix the problem. We didn’t lose peace because we knew that we had what we needed to pay for the problem to be fixed. If one of our children came to us with a need, I easily could say, “Dad and I will take care of that for you!” Our bills were paid early, our gas tanks were full, our kitchen had all of the food we needed and we were able to give generously to others without leaving us in need. It’s easy to feel peaceful in those seasons of life.

Now, we know that money cannot fix the needs of relational issues or sickness but I wanted to give you an example of how a circumstantial blessing can give people a sense of peace. But a sense of peace is often only temporary. What we didn’t know is that at the height of that season of prosperity for us the Lord was about to ask us to give it all up to move to another country as missionaries.

We were about to go from abundant supply to abundant need. This was where we would learn the difference between circumstantial peace and the perfect peace that comes from surrender and trust.

Perfect peace goes beyond just sense of peace. Money can come to an end, we can lose a job, economies can change or even tragedies can happen that money cannot fix. Then what? Where did that temporarily and circumstantial sense of peace go?

Whether we are in abundance or in great need, we need to nurture and practice living in the place of perfect peace. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the only sure thing! God never shifts or changes, He’s never unavailable, He’s never broke, sick or tired. We can go to Him day and night and know that His character remains true and perfect. I am not suggesting that you will never feel anxious or have to battle through your emotions to get to that place again— because you will. But the more you practice, the easier it is to get there. You will see His faithfulness again and again which will set a precedent that will soon become unshakable.

His promises never change!

He will come into our storm tossed boat and calm the waves, speaking those familiar words, “Peace be still.”

He has authority over EVERY earthly thing. Although He does not promise that the storms will not come, He does promise His perfect peace to calm you in the midst of the storm. The only condition to that promise is that we trust Him and keep our minds steadfast upon Him. We purpose our minds to dwell on things above!

Are you in a storm today? When I begin to feel the battle in my mind I replace the anxious thoughts with the truths found in the Word! Every anxious question is answered with a promise of His faithfulness. He then speaks the words, “Come into the safety of My perfect peace.” I don’t have to fix my eyes on my the lack or upon wondering where earthly supply will come from, because He has everything that I need. He has everything that you need. He is inviting you into this place of perfect peace as well. Breathe deep and enter in.

Isaiah 26:3 in the Amplified Bible says,

“You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You. You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

It’s time to fix our minds (our thoughts, affections and focus) upon Him with confidence in the fact that He is who He says He is! Trust Him even when answers seem delayed. Lean on Him with absolute confidence. Then, His peace will guard your heart and mind (Philippians 4:7). In a world of uncertainties— there is One who we can be confidently certain of! He holds the whole world in His hands; the One who sets the boundaries of the seas also sets the boundaries of the storms that come upon the shores of your life. You will not be overcome for He has overcome and He will secure your boundaries!

You have been adopted by the One who created all things— who holds all things in His hands and who can create something out of nothing. The earth is His and ALL that is within it.

”For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine.“ Psalm‬ ‭50‬:‭10‬-‭11‬ ‭

He holds your answer and He is the key to unlocking a life of living in perfect peace.

Jeffrey & Kathi Pelton

One response to “Practicing Perfect Peace”

  1. Estelle Thompson Avatar
    Estelle Thompson

    I thank God for your Ministry! Every time I get a message from you it’s always on time as if God was speaking to me personally. God bless you continually


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