You and Your Household Will Be Saved

Kathi Pelton

“…Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”

So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”” Acts‬ ‭16:30-31

As I was praying for our region and nation this morning, I looked out my window upon all of the snow covered roofs on the homes in ‭our neighborhood and heard these words,

“I am coming, even now, to cover your land and to cover households with a white robe of salvation. Just as the snow has covered the land and the homes so will the purity of my Word cover the sins and make them white as snow.”

Unbelief is about to receive the covering of salvation’s truth that causes entire families (households) to be saved. The streets, coffee houses, gyms, and businesses are about to become altars where people suddenly believe and are saved.

Just as in Acts 16 where an earthquake comes to set the prisoners free, so a shaking will come once again that sets the captives free. Even the jailers and their households will be saved! This shaking will not come as a result of an earthquake but the shaking is coming from the great company of the army of God arising to “Go forth into all the world to preach the gospel.”

The shaking is the result of so many boots on the ground moving at once. Cities will be saved because the song of salvation will be heard in the land causing ears to hear and eyes to see.

Believers that never before have shared the good news of salvation on the streets, to a waitress or to a stranger, will suddenly be filled with courage as the Spirit of the Lord rests upon them with compassion and power.

It will be like the purest snow fall that covers entires cities and warms the coldest of hearts. We are already seeing the beginnings of this in the Portland, Oregon region, and yet we know that it’s merely a signal or sign of the beginning of something great.

It is like when Elijah saw the tiny cloud, merely the size of a man’s hand and declared “the sound of heavy rain” (1 Kings 18). Even today, I declare like Elijah, that the sound of heavy rain is coming.

The Spirit of Elisha and Jehu are coming upon the sons and daughters with a double portion anointing! They will bring victory over the enemies of the prophets and over cities and nations with prophetic mantles. Suddenly the captives will be set free and the lost saved.

Believe! You and your household will be saved. If you’ve asked what you can do then the answer is: believe! Declare salvation over your family and home. Declare the sound of heavy rain that washes away resistance. Declare the Word of the Lord over your household, your city, and your nation.


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2 responses to “You and Your Household Will Be Saved”

  1. Avatar

    I wanted to reach out and confirm this amazing word. I live in south Florida where it does not snow-ever and have lived here my whole life so I don’t think about snow or like it very much to be honest, haha. But, Last night, I dreamed I was in unity and fellowship inside a building with fellow believers and we were having an amazing time of community. I looked outside to see snow blanketing everything in sight!! How strange I thought and beautiful that I had my phone in my hand documenting the sight(I think that’s the first time I’ve used a phone in a dream, ha).

    This morning I’ve been waiting on the Lord for the meaning of this and now I KNOW!! Amen!! I agree and confirm this word. I receive that spirit of courage to preach the Gospel with boldness!!

    So exciting!! Bless you!! Kyla Rios Jupiter, Florida

    Sent from my iPhone



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